USHA’s Liz Byrne Team, Partners with Homes for Warriors to Provide a Holiday ‘Welcome Home’ for a Wounded Veteran and His Family
Team effort ensures new home is ready for move-in just in time for the holidays.
It was another bright and sunny December day in Palm Bay, Florida. But this would be no ordinary day for USHEALTH Advisors’ Liz Byrne Team or for a special Palm Bay area family. The 15 members of USHA’s Byrne Team chose this particular day to take on a very meaningful project; putting the final touches on a new home designated for a wounded veteran through the local “Homes for Warriors Program.” Their local efforts were part of a nationwide Month of HOPE, called for by USHEALTH Advisors President and CEO, Troy McQuagge.
Part of the group quickly set about the task of painting the home’s interior, including trim, moldings and doors. At the time the interior work was being done, other members of the team were busy removing trash and debris from the property, thereby ensuring the home would be ready inside and out. Homes for Warriors representatives stated that the work accomplished by the Byrne Team in just one day, would have normally taken weeks to complete. This meant that the home’s new owner, a veteran who was just being released from Walter Reed Medical Center, would be able to move into the home with his wife and two children, just in time for the holidays – something that only a few days prior would have been deemed unattainable.
“We completed all the necessary painting, cleaned out debris and trash; which ultimately allowed the Homes for Warriors Program to set a ‘Welcome Home’ event for this veteran and his family for December 9th, just in time for the holidays,” said Liz Byrne, a Sales Leader for USHEALTH Advisors.
The Byrne Team has partnered with the Homes for Warriors Program on multiple occasions; each time, building stronger bonds with the local program and within the team. “The impact of this project, as well as the prior Homes for Warriors projects we have done as a team, creates an overwhelming sense of community and service,” states Ms. Byrne. “These projects bring a culture of kindness and generosity. Overall, since we participated in the “Month of HOPE” Project, we have a greater sense of family in the office every day.
About Homes for Warriors – The Homes for Warriors Program is a public private partnership program (p3) of the City of Palm Bay, in cooperation with the Space Coast Paratroopers Association (501c2 not-for-profit), local businesses and community volunteers. The mission of Homes for Warriors Program is to assist veterans with their housing needs while creating a community of support for veterans in transition, with a vision for restoring some of the freedom and independence our veterans sacrificed while defending our country, and enabling them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives.